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Two grants are available for Marne Elk Horn.

Aureon Charity GranT

Aureon, a telecommunications company headquartered in West Des Moines, has the Aureon Charity Grant Program. Eligibility for this grant is offered to more than 300 communities in Iowa served by Aureon and/or its participating companies, which includes 142 rural independent telephone companies (including Marne Elk Horn).

Click the APPLY NOW button below for the grant application form. An independent Charity Grant Committee will be responsible for evaluating the applications and establishing a dollar amount for each grant recipient. There are no restrictions as to the type of charity; however, the program must benefit and be made available to everyone in the community. All grant awards will be presented to the grant recipients by Aureon and Marne Elk Horn.

You can contact Marne Elk Horn for additional information.

Foundation for Rural Services Community Grant

The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization that works in cooperation with NTCA – the Rural Broadband Association (NTCA) to sustain and enhance the quality of life in American by advancing an understanding of rural issues.

The Community Grant Program is offered annually through NTCA’s rural broadband members, including Marne Elk Horn, to support local efforts to build and sustain a high quality of life in rural America. Applications open June 1st and close September 15th.

Click the APPLY NOW button below to download more information.